Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Meaningful Harp Music

June 19, 2013  7:05am....Sunny and a cool breeze this morning

So I was thinking about how some Music is more meaningful on the Harp.  It all sounds beautiful, but sometimes I will play something and it will just touch me to my Soul.  When I was in the Lobby of the Hospital playing one morning, a lady sat next to me for 1 1/2 hrs waiting for her husband to come out of surgery.  She just relaxed and enjoyed the peaceful aura around us.  A family was walking through the Lobby and stopped to let their kids look at the Harp.  (I realize more and more, lots of people have never seen a Harp up close and personal).  So this Lady says to the kids, ask her to play something for you, she can even make Twinkle Twinkle Little Star sound heavenly!  I find that interesting, because Mozart wrote the Twinkle Twinkle Variations!

Last night I downloaded Lead Sheets for "Sound of Silence", "Bridge over Troubled Water" and John Lennon's "Imagine".  As I played through these (should read, stumbled through these) they all touched me deeply.  I don't know if it's my 70's Rock thing going on or just that the Lyrics are so fitting for what I do with my Harp.

They say when you have your Health, you have everything.  How hard it is sometimes to remember and appreciate fully, how true that is.  Especially in this age of technology and adventures, I myself get caught up in the Merry-go-round World...but it's my Music on the Harp that grounds me back to what's important in my World.  When I was playing "Sound of Silence" I was feeling the saddness of someone going through Chemo and awakening in the middle of the night to the absolute silence around them.  How beautiful the Melody is and how peaceful to be carried away with the notes.

While I was playing at Infusion on Friday, I thought of "Bridge over Troubled Water" and how appropriate those lyrics would be, which was the inspiration for the download, lol....."When your weary, feeling small.  When tears are in your eyes, I'll dry them all."  How many times in your life have you felt that way and needed that Bridge.  Some of us find that Bridge in different ways....Religion, Nature, Music and the list goes on and on.

But my favorite from yesterday is "Imagine".  I am a lover of Peace and Justice for All.  I am a true American.  I tear up at the National Anthem.  I want Peace around the World.  I hung out my Buddhist Prayer Flags.  For those of you that don't know the meaning...the colored flags represent the Elements of Enlightenment.  Blue for Space, White for Air, Red for Fire, Green for Water and Yellow for Earth. I embrace many different aspects of Beliefs, the power of God, the peaceful and loving Karma of Buddha but most of all I embrace mankind and the difference we can make to one another.  "Imagine there's no Countries...nothing to live or die for"  "living life in Peace"......gotta get ready for work!

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