Thursday, July 18, 2013

Observe, Act and Adjust

Thursday afternoon 7/18/13....I hate to keep saying this but HOT HOT HOT!!!

This morning I went to Household of Angels to Volunteer.  I am trying to get a paid position there, if only once a Month.  I used to play my Harp there every week, especially when I first bought my Harp, it was a great place to practice.  I've felt bad that I am so busy with the Hospital, Teaching and working on my Certification, that I haven't been over in such a long time.  So I stopped by yesterday to drop off an Informational Flyer about my Services and I was just flooded with emotions.  I have missed them terribly.   It is such a small facility (14 Beds) and usually 2 Caretakers at a time, I think it gets lost in the shuffle and they have very few visitors or volunteers come by.

Today I noticed several wonderful benefits from Live Therapeutic Harp Music.  When I was setting up, on of the Gentlemen Residents was asleep at the breakfast table.  They moved him to the couch in the living room where I was going to play and he promptly fell back to sleep (lots of meds)  I played from 10:15 to second Tune was "You Are my Sunshine"...ok this Gentleman is now awake and singing and he stayed awake the entire time!!!

Sweet Southern Lady, I love her.  She doesn't sleep much at night so she sleeps right through lunchtime.  I used to go to her room and get her up or take my Harp in to her.  She was so excited that I was coming, the caretaker said she was getting dressed when I got took her about an hour to get to the Living Room and when I was finished playing, she said, "I don't know if it was worth getting dressed for, you only played a little while".....OMGGG

A very interesting man, nothing wrong with his mind, he just needs Assisted Living for daily care.  He is soooo smart and so interesting to talk to...the only time he comes out to be with the other Residents is when I come with my Harp.  He always is such a wealth of information on the history of music in Middle Ages....fascinating guy.  He stayed in the kitchen chair the entire time....telling me about certain tunes I had played...very cool.

The Resident Singer, she used to have a Country/Western Band.  From what her family says, she was a fantastic Guitar player and singer.  She can still carry a tune like she is 20!  She is the ring leader of the Household of Angels...what she says, GOES   She sang every tune and told me she was going to get her Guitar and practice up...Music made her Alive again!

The oldest Resident is this beautiful, 99 yr old Woman....very striking and her husband lived there with her for 5 years, he died last year.  She is very quiet and it takes her a few minutes to grasp what you are saying to her.  She loves Classical Music so when I played Ode to Joy she just grinned and tapped her hands on her walker....she is so gracious and always thanks me for playing.  I think she is one classy lady.

I could go on and on about each Resident, but what I also love to see is the Staff relaxing.  They have a very stressful and physically exhausting job.  They go about their work in the kitchen or whatever, but their step is slower and more relaxed and they will sing along too.

It's a most rewarding experience and I love all the information I am getting from my course helps put a new and interesting spin on my experiences.  I am using my new knowledge to offer a better Service by observing, acting on my observance and adjusting my playing to fit the needs of the Residents.  Why oh why did it take so long to find this Calling?

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