Friday, September 13, 2013

NOT an Earth Angel

Friday the 13, 2013  YIKES!!!!  It's a cooler morning after some major storms....the air is nice and clean

I thought I would write down an experience I had.  I love what I do and so far, in every setting I have worked as a Therapeutic Musician I have been surrounded by Earth Angels.  They are the Angels that watch over us here on Earth and, it's just my opinion, but they don't know they are Earth Angels.  The amount of love and compassion that I see for those who are sick and dying is amazing.  Besides loving and compassionate care, these Earth Angels have a special touch and special looks that radiate from them.

So, with that said I am going to move on to my Story.  At a particular place that I play, on DAY 1, I recognized an employee when I entered the Facility.  You know how that is, you both look at each other and think, "I know her" and "she knows me".  But my next feeling came just as quickly..."she is NOT a nice person".  To this day I still don't know her name....but I'm gonna find it out real soon!

So I smiled and spoke to the small gathering of employees with a friendly "Good Morning", to which I got a friendly response from everyone except this person.  She looked at me and walked away.  Ok, yes I am sensitive, but I sucked it up and went about my work.  It's been months now, I still say Good Morning every time I see her, and still no response.  I might add that after watching her in action at her job, I don't think she is an Earth Angel...perhaps just the opposite.

Up to this point, it has not been uncomfortable for me.  We both have our jobs and we don't have to interact.  But I have been racking my brain trying to figure out how I know her.  It must be through our Kids or the Pool we took them to or something like that.   We've been in this neighborhood since 1977...I have crossed paths with a lot of people over the years.  I just don't have "enemies"  I am not confrontational and I don't burn bridges.  I can't, for the life of me, figure this one out.

So back to my story...I am playing my Harp in a crowded area, but all clinical areas are small and crowded.  I am always diligent in making myself as small as possible.  Totally out of the way so the activities can come and go around me with little effort.  All of a sudden this NOT earth angel comes tearing towards me with a patient in a wheelchair and slams my Harp...catching my phone case that is at my side, in the wheels of the wheelchair.  What happened next blew me away...instead of stopping immediately and as least acknowledging what was happening, she looked right at me, muttered something under her breath and continued to push past me...taking me off my stool because my phone case was in the wheels.  So I jumped up and said...wait case is caught in the which I got another glare and mutter.  This was hateful, plain and simple.

So, no one, other than perhaps the old gentleman in the wheelchair, was even aware of this happening. She pushed past and kept going and I stood there dumbfounded.  If there should be another incident, I will address her directly.  If necessary I will go to her superior and mine.  For now, I will continue to be as friendly and polite as I have always been to her...but with a more watchful eye...

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