Thursday, December 26, 2013

Be good to Yourself, Listen to Music

Thursday Evening, December 26, 2013....cold night with a crisp wind...burrrr I'm gonna bundle up and take the Dogs for a walk...but first

Tonight is the first time in almost 3 weeks that I actually sat and not only played my Harp but enjoyed it.  Last Friday, after a 2 week Flu I went to Long-term Nursing Facility and the following day I came down with either food poisoning or a stomach flu....5 days later I can say I feel pretty good and food is starting to look appetizing.

I have not seen my Lady in 3 weeks.  I dare not have gone with the Upper Respiratory Flu which lasted 2 weeks and then, bam the other crud.  I was thinking last night how much I miss her and how worried I have been that she might not understand that I've been sick.  I worry that she may think I won't be back to see her and play music for her.  Music is all she has.  I am scheduled to be there Sunday and Monday but I got this gut-wrenching email from one of her Daughters this morning describing her decline since I haven't been there.  The entire family has concerns, as she is mostly sleeping and once again, slipping away from them.

Not that Therapeutic Music needs validating, as it speaks for itself, but it is exactly as I feared.  She has had no stimulation, no vibration, no memory recall.  I am going tomorrow as well as Sunday and Monday and I am a little nervous because the Intestinal Flu has hit the Facility and they are in "lock-down" mode for each Unit.  No one leaves, no programs, no walks, all meals are brought to the rooms. This is common procedure to help contain the Virus and keep it from spreading to other Residents.

Tonight I bought some Masks to wear and I will have my wipes to wipe down my Harp and anything else that comes into contact with the floor, walls or Residents.  Not much else to be done, I am so hoping my Resistance is back up and strong.

I feel stronger after playing my Harp for 2 hours.  I spent the first 30 minutes just playing one string at a time, allowing it to die out before playing another one.  I had my ear on the wood and the vibrations go all through my body.  Did you know that we have a wandering Nerve called the Vagus Nerve that meanders through our body to our abdominal cavity and it's job is to regulate all kinds of Organs?  This is directly related to the ear....and sound...and vibrations......Vibrations affect the entire body.

Here is another interesting fact, did you know we can now look at cells that receive vibrations and a Healthy Cell will expand and contract when receiving vibrations, but a Cancerous Cell will explode.  There is no elasticity in an unhealthy Cell.

So be good to yourself, listen to good music.  Let your body relax and feel the vibrations.  Try to expose yourself to live music as much as possible......better yet, learn to play an Instrument.  It's good for your body and your brain.

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