Friday morning, Aug 16, 2013....8:45 am and the 4th Glorious day in a row...geeze I hope there are no "paybacks" for this
I was thinking last night how wonderful it is to use my IPAD for all my Therapeutic Music. I haven't been out to the Hospital or Assisted Living at all this week. I've taken advantage of the deck work and stayed available to run downstairs and pick up dropped wood, spacers, pencils, nails etc. I've also spent a couple hours a day organizing my IPAD music into categories. I have an IPAD scanner that scans in a piece of music and saves it as a jpeg in my Photos. From the Photos album you can crop/rotate etc, just like you can for a Photo.
So from this Photo Album of Music, I created separate albums for the following:
"Assisted Living"
"General Harp Music"
"Children's Music"
"Unfamiliar" (used for Palliative Care Patients)
"Holiday Music"
"Popular Music"
"Love Songs"
"Religious Music" (in this Album I try to make it reflect all Religions)
Many of these Albums have some of the same Tunes, like Children's/Assisted Living/General Harp Music might all have "Happy Birthday" or "Twinkle Twinkle". Once the music is transferred over to an Album, then I go into that Album and arrange each Tune, according to what musical key it's written in. I start with the Key of F (Bb) and all Tunes that are in F go first....then a flip of one Lever and I return the Bb to a B which creates the Key of C (no sharps or flats)...all tunes in the Key of C are together and then with another flip of a Lever, I raise the F to an F# creating the Key of G....once again I raise another Lever from C to C# and I now have all tunes in the Key of D together!
For the Lever Harp, it's important to plan ahead so that your raising and lowering of the Lever doesn't slow you down or cause you to stop playing. While with a Patient, you want a constant rhythm to keep the heart rate and breathing steady. Now, all this is great but there are still "accidentals" in some of the music, these are Sharps and Flats that are not in the Key Signature of the have to get speedy and accurate and most of all, REMEMBER to put that Lever back in it's original spot!
This is all extremely time consuming, but I am almost done creating the Albums....then back into them to arrange the progression of Music into each Key. I am determined to finish today.
Now, once this is complete...when a new piece of music is scanned into the IPAD, I can move it to the proper Album...or two. In the ideal Therapeutic Music world, you would have all these Tunes memorized, and some of them I do have memorized, but not enough to leave my IPAD at home, lol It's just one easy swipe across my IPAD into the next Tune.....there is a smooth transition thanks to the beauty of technology......
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