Thursday, August 29, 2013

There's a Lot to Learn

Thursday morning, August 29, 2013...muggy, dark and misty...but I hear the Sun is coming out soon!

2 weeks ago I bombarded my Mentor with a series of Reports to review and also various musical clips as a sample of what kind of Music I would play for a particular situation, be it Elder Care, Children, Critical Care...etc.  I hadn't heard a word back from her and was considering contacting her one more time, just to make sure she was ok.  Last night, she bombarded me with her responses!!  lol

So my Reports got a glowing review, although she did catch a spelling mistake in someone's name.  Spelling...that is still hanging over my head 50 years later...good grief.  I was pleased with her response and was anxiously waiting for an email regarding my Music Clips.  Hopefully they were going to be acceptable so I could move on and complete Level 1 to start my Internship.

Right before bed, I heard a series of Mail coming in to my phone....this could be it!!  Yes, they were from my Mentor.  She had responded to each clip individually.  First one, Palliative Care Music- Unfamiliar and Non-Rhythmic.  She loved it!  It was again, a glowing review, Yipeeeeeee

Next, Children's Music - Familiar and Pulse Tempo.  There were 3 tunes, Lullaby, This Old Man and Jesus Loves Me.  Her response was not as praising...I have to remove Jesus Loves Me (I can have no Christian Hymns on my CD....who knew???)  Lullaby was at a good tempo, This Old Man could go faster, as Children have a faster Heartbeat than Adults.....REDO!

General Music, 3 Tunes, Over the Rainbow, Love me Tender and Ode to Joy.  They all fit the category of General and they all were played at an acceptable Pulse Tempo.  Her only recommendation was for Ode to Joy I used a running upward chording to reach the top of my Harp and it seemed to her to be a bit "showy" for a Service Session.  She thought it gave the piece a "performance" feel.  I went back and listened to it again.  I tend to disagree.  If it were a Glissando, perhaps, but I felt my Chording was right on track in tempo and filled in several beats of silence.  I am happy with it.

Unfamiliar Music, 3 Tunes.  I picked 3 Celtic Tunes that I thought only another Musician would know.  She was thrilled with the Selections, although she thought all of them were too fast.  They ranged in the  high 70-80's BPM...too fast for a sick person to digest.  REDO!

Elder Care, 3 Tunes, Danny Boy, Jesus Loves Me and Amazing Grace......YEP, you guessed Christian Hymns.  I can keep Danny Boy but need to slow it down to a crawl....REDO!

So I have a lot of recording to do this weekend.  I am so grateful for her feedback and she made many good criticisms on each Clip.  I realize these are subject to opinion, but she has lots of experience in this field and is fully qualified to request these changes from me.  I am going to shadow my supervisor at the Hospital on one of her shifts and I am thinking she will have her own way of approaching Bedside Therapeutic Music, however it should be very close to how I am being trained for this Service.  I really like this program I am in as it's Founder feels the Internship really allows you to experience first hand the situations and the environments that you will be in, while you continue with your Courses.

I am so close and yet so far from my Internship.  Unfortunately, NOHING I have done over this last year, counts towards my Internship Hours for my Course.  You can not count any hours until you complete Level 1.  I am so grateful to have these opportunities, as they are all learning experiences for me.  There is a lot to learn.

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