Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Wednesday afternoon, May 21, 2014….warm, cloudy and maybe some storms :)

I'm sitting here this afternoon, reflecting on my last few Sessions with my Patients.  They are always so thought-provoking and emotional as well.

When I arrived to be with my Companion this week, she was non-responsive.  Very unlike her, especially when I play the Harp.  It seemed nothing could reach her.  I took her outside for a long walk, normally we talk about what the date is, what day of the week, the weather (she is blind and does not communicate )….but today…nothing.  I took her back to her room and played more Harp and I was playing "You are My Sunshine" and I see her foot start to move.  I look up and she is grinning like crazy.  That was the ticket….who knew?  the rest of the afternoon she was completely engaged with me and with music.  Yesterday was even better.  While I was chatting with her roommate, I noticed she was moving her leg and her arm like I have not seen in months.  I was so surprised that I took a Video for her Daughters to see, they both agreed they had not seen that amount of movement in months.  You never know what will reach a person's spirit and memories.  I am constantly and pleasantly surprised.

On this same day, the Facility was in "lockdown" due to the Flu on another Unit.  That means that all residents must stay in their Unit, all activities are canceled and meals are served in the rooms only.  I consider this one of the "hazards" of working in facilities… matter how well you take care of yourself, you are exposed to so much.  At the Nurse's Station I could hear one of the Residents yelling and cursing.  I know this Resident pretty well and rarely see him agitated this way.  I came out and told the Nurse I would get my harp in a bit and come play at the station….she laughed and said, "how about NOW?"  So I did, brought my Companion with me and we sat at the Station and the VERY first tune…he closed his eyes and started waving his arms around like an Orchestra Conductor….and if anyone spoke he said, "shhhhhh, she is playing music".  I stayed for about 30 minutes and he continued to be calm and restful.  The Staff is so appreciative, it makes a huge difference in their attitude and approach to the Patients.  Later in the afternoon I saw him again and I asked him if he enjoyed the Harp Music.  He was just as calm and peaceful and said, "yes, very much"  That was my Monday and Tuesday…..Wednesday (today) comes in another Blog!

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