Wednesday, May 7, 2014…..a Beautiful morning, a little chilly with some sun but I think rain is on its way….you know what they say, "April showers bring May flowers"….oh, it's not April you say? :)
It's been too long since I have written in my Blog. No good excuses besides being so busy and that is a good thing. There are changes coming my way and I am excited to have the opportunity to work at a new facility that is opening this month. I have been employed by them, but on a very limited budget. This new Facility allows a larger budget and that will directly effect me and gives me the opportunity to work an additional day each week….Yipeeeee
As far as making my Passion profitable (we gotta eat) it is slowing coming together. Between my Mentoring Job through my Course, employment from 3 Facilities and 2 Private Clients, my income trickles in, but I am thrilled with my progress. I will always look forward to the day I don't have to worry about an Income and can give of my time freely to reach as many patients as possible, but that day is not here yet.
Last week I saw Patients at a Facility that I had been away from for 3 weeks. That is a very long time not to see my Patients and I was so excited to arrive. I got an updated list and realized one of my Patients had passed away. At first it takes the wind from my sails but after being with the first Patient of the day, I am sailing along once again.
As I got on the floor, I immediately heard my dear "Ms D"…screaming for help. As I got closer to her room I passed the Nurse who said, "oh good, hope you can help"! I didn't even dare to knock on her door to ask if she wanted music, I knew it would be a loud NO. So I set up outside her room and started to play very softly. Just enough volume to be heard over her rants. The Staff is so respectful to her and they eventually went back into the room and told her to listen to the beautiful music that I was playing for her…..she screams, "tell her to shut up and stop playing, I need help here". There are a handful of Tunes that I know work well for her so I started through that set with "Believe me of all those Endearing Young Charms". I love this simple, sweet piece and as I played the screaming became less and less. 15 minutes later there were no sounds from her room. As the staff walks by they give me a "thumbs up" sign and smile…. later in the day I came back through her floor and she was sitting quietly in her room. I stuck my head in and asked if she enjoyed the Harp Music and she smiled and said, "yes, it was beautiful, when do you come back". Aww, to be trapped in that mind must be so terrifying, I am so grateful I was able to give her a little peace.
As the day went on, I realized I would have to try harder to get to these Patients more often. Each Patient I played for was so responsive to the music and relaxed and joyful in their own way. My sweet "Ms. E" clapped after each tune, just smiling away. Every now and then she would sing along, which is difficult when you are lying down! I left feedback saying that "Ms E" needed to be up and in a chair for Therapeutic Music, let's hope they follow through. It makes my job so much more effective and pleasant when the Staff value what I do and see my feedback as constructive and not combative. I am so grateful for the support I get.
I made my way to my favorite patient, "Mr. A"….he is Hospice Care and 3 weeks ago he was not doing well at all, so I tried to prepare myself for his further decline. Well, to my surprise, there he was sitting on the side of his bed and gave me a huge smile and said, "darling, I have missed you, where have you been?" Awwwww, the human body amazes me…..he had done a little rebound, awesome! His 2 Roommates, "Mr. L" and "Mr. J" were non responsive when I approached them. After I played a couple tunes I went to "Mr. J" and asked if he liked music…..this time he opened his eyes and said, "oh yes, it's very beautiful, thank you". The music had reached his soul and stirred his memories. An Aide came in to feed the 2 roommates and she was just so filled with joy to see "Mr J" awake and interested in eating. While "Mr. L" was waiting to be fed, he reached for his spoon and started to feed himself….the Aide said, "that's the first time I have seen him try to feed himself". These are small miracles that I am so grateful for and sustain me until the next visit. The nicest thing that happened at the end of that day was "Mr. A" said as I was leaving, "thank you darling and I love you". I told him I loved him too and I would see him soon.
Nothing could have prepared me for this journey I am on. I don't take a minute of good health for granted and have such admiration for families that are there with these patients, day in and day out. Such respect for the Staff. I was taking a 5 minute break for the fingers, sitting by a window. One of the Cleaning Staff stopped and said, "I am so glad you came today, "Ms D" stopped screaming and now we are all happier".
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