Wednesday, November 27, 2013

What am I Thankful for?

Wednesday, November 27, 2013....cold and rainy....a perfect November day

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day.  As I prepare my table and my home for family and friends, I can't help but reflect the year of 2013.  My life is constantly changing with people coming and going and events morphing us all into a different people along the way.  I think this is true for all of us and we get so busy we don't take the time to notice the changes, until there is a special joy or tragedy that jolts us into appreciating what we have.

I had a lovely lunch yesterday with a friend and colleague and to my surprise the Therapeutic Music Program at our local Medical Center is at risk.  This is a program that has been created by one person alone, years in the making.  She started a Foundation for funding and between herself and one other paid Therapeutic Musician, covered the Hospital alone, giving peace and healing to those who were sick, scared, recovering and dying.  I have volunteered there for over a year, giving my time for free.  How can such a large Facility turn it's back on something so important with such profound impact on the Patients they are there to serve?  I am stunned that this Program may be out of funding and put on the shelf, shame on this Med Center for turning their backs to a Program that promotes healing.  What will these caring, devoted Therapeutic Musicians be Thankful for?

So after lunch I drove to my Lady and had quite the scare.  Her fancy wheelchair was sitting empty in the Day room?  I thought, oh no she is still in bed and it's 1:30 in the afternoon.  I walked into her room and her bed was empty and I had this sick feeling come over me....they have taken her to the Hospital.  The Nursing Staff in her Unit all know me and I don't think they were at all surprised at my panic approach to them...."where is she?"  So this very nice Nurse says, "oh Miss Jackie, she is getting her hair done!"  Whew...what a relief and how exciting!  As I enter the Beauty Shop, I am thankful for this sight....she is in a regular wheelchair with no neck support because they have to color, shampoo and cut her hair.  When I told her she was going to look so beautiful, without speaking her entire face lit up...she knew and understood that the discomfort she was in was the price she would pay to feel like a beautiful women again.

Towards the end of her Hair Appt. I held her head in my hands to take the weight off of her neck.  The Hairdresser and I were laughing so hard because every time she would get the blow dryer too close and too hot, I would say, "back up".  When she was finished my Lady looked like a Million Dollars.  It took 20 years off of her and even though she was exhausted and clearly in pain, she was so proud and thrilled.  I told her she looked like "one hot mamma" and she just grinned and her eyes got teary.

While I was waiting for my Lady to get her coloring, I went into the Dining Room to play the piano but there was an exercise class going on.  I don't think I can do the scene justice but I will try.  There is a Resident that is 106.  She trots herself in her wheelchair all around the Facility, just amazing.  Her mind is sharp and she is always dressed to the 9's, complete with jewelry and her matching purse.  The other Residents were all wheelchair bound with various levels of disabilities.  There was music playing and they each had a set of 1lb weights.  The employee instructing this group was just awesome.  So patient and so much fun.  I sat and watched as each resident tried their best to lift  these weights.....1 lb.....imagine you not being able to lift 1 lb?  At one point the 106 Resident, who is folded over in her wheelchair, stops and slowly turns to the right and places one of the weights on the table behind her.....forget that thing, I can only do 1 weight!  LOL  I just got so tickled, she was not messing with both of those weights!

In the middle of this class, in rolls my young guy that I now call my "Harper".  A quick update on him, he has learned 4 Tunes on the himself.  I swear if I ever get any extra money I am going to buy him a small decent harp, one that sounds like something.  Every time I hear him play that dinky harp I gave him,  I's terrible!  But he keeps on plucking, amazing.  So he rolls into the group and asks for 10lb weights and starts with all upper body exercises.   After a few minutes he sees me across the room and just a huge grin and tries to wave to me with these weights in his hands....too funny and he drops them both!  The 106 Resident says loud and clear, "?  you need to work harder to hang onto those!"  ok...I lost it.  Now he is trying to explain that he didn't drop them because he was weak and she is saying, you need more work......priceless.  What are these Residents Thankful for?

As I was leaving last night I took some pics with my phone and emailed them to my Lady's Daughters so they could see how beautiful she looked.  I told my Lady again, how awesome her hair looked and that her husband was going to love it.  I said goodnight and said I would see her in a few days and very clearly, but softly she spoke, "I want".  So I leaned down and said, what do you want?  She said, "Prayer".  I have been saying the Lord's Prayer to her each night I left her and was about to leave without doing that.  What is amazing is I have not heard her speak in weeks.  It is such hard work and she has to push the words out with all her breath in a whisper.  After I finished saying the Lord's Prayer with her she closed her eyes and just was like her telling me, "ok, you can go now" lol.....
what is my Lady Thankful for?

Being appreciated, being loved, being brave, being part of a community with compassion and people that can see past disabilities and short-comings... what am I Thankful for?

Monday, November 25, 2013

Every Life deserves the Effort

Monday, November 25, 2013....cold cold..I love it!  Winter has arrived just in time for Thanksgiving

Yesterday as I was walking through the hallway where my Lady lives, I passed a man that I see often.  He is in her Unit and in a wheelchair.  Normally when I walk past him and say hello, he does not respond to me at all.  He just stares at me.  So last night I stopped and said hello and asked if he'd like to try my Harp.  I played a few strings and he just came to life.  He told me he couldn't play because he does "this".  He showed me with his hands that he plays the piano.  So I talked to him about playing piano and he said his hands were broken and he had to stretch them because he couldn't make those black and white things move anymore.

As we are talking, his Daughter comes around the corner and introduces herself.  I told her we were talking about the Piano and she said he was a incredible musician.  He had played for small orchestras in the various places they had lived and she grew up with beautiful piano music her whole life.  She said, music was his life and he has been robbed of the joy.

I asked this man if he ever went to the piano in the dining room and he said he couldn't do that...he needed paper...oh I said, you need notes to read?  I just happened to have brought my music of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata movement to play for my Lady so I took it out of my purse and showed him the cover.

What happened next was was like he had a bar of gold in his hands.  He took the music and just stared at it, trying to read the title of the composition.  Then he looked at me and said, I know this name.  I opened up the sheet music to the notation and he let out a little gasp.....he just looked and looked at the notes and ran his finger over the page....yes these are the notes he said.  I know these.

A piece of music....part of him, part of me, part of his Daughter.  We are now connected, once strangers but forever connected by music.  Such a small thing with such a huge impact.  What a moment,  joyful and yet heartbreaking.

After his Daughter left to take him to his room I asked the Nurse if he knew this man was an accomplished musician to which he said no, he had no idea.  Not surprising...staff is busy and very disconnected to anything personal with patients.  The facilities are too large with turnovers in staff happening almost on a weekly basis.

Please, Please....if you have a loved one or know a loved one in Rehab, Long-term Nursing, Alzheimer's or Dementia about them often to their caregivers.  Tell them about the important things they did, from their jobs to their hobbies, but especially what inspired them in their life.  It's the Aids, Kitchen Staff bringing meals, cleaning staff that are in their rooms everyday and the Activities Staff that interact with them and need to be reminded that they are still "in there".  It takes some effort and experimenting to find a way to reach them, but I have found that Music is universal and far reaching.

Every life deserves the effort

Friday, November 22, 2013

Paul Simon and Therapeutic Music?

Friday, November 22, 2013....cloudy and warm...but a change is coming!

This past Wednesday I had a most incredible opportunity to attend a private House Concert in Washington DC of Paul Simon...YES, of Simon  Garfunkel.  Paul Simon is not only still making music but he sounds as good as ever.  This intimate gathering was a Fundraiser for a Senator who is also friends with Paul Simon.  The home it was held in was lavish, but warm.  It had a Library "to die for".  It also had a beautiful glass Sunroom, with a Steinway dream piano.  This Sunroom was where the Concert was held.

After a warm and funny welcome from the home-owner, Senator and Paul Simon...the room grew quiet.

Now, what does any of this have to do with Therapeutic Music???  EVERYTHING!

The music started with the single notes on an Acoustic Guitar...the Intro to "Sound of Silence"...a timeless song with timeless lyrics...just brilliant.  When I heard the strings of his guitar, I could feel this peace come over me.  It wasn't the awe of looking right at Paul Simon a few feet from me, it was the music being played on these strings.  It was the gift of Music.  As the guitar and his voice vibrated throughout the room, I continued to relax and felt a healing right to my soul.  I let go of all my strife, all my anxiety, all the worries of the world....the hungry, the sick, the poor, the angry, the bitter, the homeless, the bullied and those forgotten because they are too small in this great big world.

As the music continued with the vibrations of a cello, a second guitar and voice, I started to take notice of the people in the room with me.  Is it just me that feels this way?  Am I so in-tune,  as a Therapeutic Musician,  that I am the only one aware of this profound peace?  As I looked around the room I realized everyone had the same reaction.  It's true, there was not a face I observed that didn't share the same relaxed facial expressions...body movements taking in every note, every vibrations thrown out at us.  It was one of those special moments in my life when the truth just rang out...."this is what my Patients feel when I play my Harp for them."  These are the same expressions and relaxed bodies that I see when I am observing my Patients...pain turned to peace, loneliness turned to compassion by a warm body next to them.  The vibrations of the Harp Strings..filling their room and their entire bodies right to the cellular level.

Let there be no mistake, this was a "moment" for me....a new understanding of the powerful effects music has on all of us.  It doesn't matter the genre, the simple truth is, music comes into our mind, body and spirit and renews and heals.  By the way,  Paul Simon was awesome on every song and it was a night like no other, and I thank him for showing me the impact of music...what a night.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

What a Wild and Crazy Day!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013...we went from 65o to the 40's in one day....gotta love Fall in Maryland!

Yesterday was a really cool day.  I went to do my final Internship Hours (I am dragging my feet, I don't want to leave my patients) before I get my Lady.  As I was tuning up my Harp in the Lobby area, this man comes up and we start chatting about my Harp and how beautiful the instrument is and he tells me his Mom is in Hospice Care.  I got her room number and told him I would stop by, even though she was not on my list.

Later as I am entering the room, he stops me and says, "she is out of it, she won't know you are here, but thank you for trying" which I replied, "but she CAN hear the Harp and she CAN feel the vibrations of the strings, so I will play for her if that's ok with you".  The Patient was in her 90's and very frail and non responsive to my voice.  3 cool things happened...

1)  After the second song, the Patient opened her eyes and looked at us and then just relaxed back to a peaceful and relaxed state.  The Son started crying and said, "she can hear you, I am just so happy".  I had to fight hard to keep my composure...the last thing he needed was me crying along with him, lol
He reaches in his pocket and pulls out a roll of money and puts it in my hand...well you can guess my reaction, NO WAY...but thank you so much for you kind offer!

2)  As it turns out, this man is from California and is so heartbroken that he only has occasional visits with his Mom, as she is failing fast.  He told me that he belongs to a group in CA that is hosting a fundraiser for Alzheimer's and Dementia.  The name of the convention is "The healing power of Music" and the guest speaker is non other than the son of Harpo Marx!  He than asked me for my Business Card, 5 of them to be exact and said he had connections in my area and he would get my Business Cards into the right hands.  As he was leaving he gave me a huge hug and I told him I would try to get to his Mom as often as possible, but that today would be my last Internship Day and that I was hoping the Facility would hire me for part-time hours so I could stay with my patients.  He asked who was over-seeing my Internship and gave me another hug......could there be employment possibilities?

3)  As all these beautiful things are happening to my Patient, on the other side of the Curtain is her roommate...I could not see her and I thought her bed was empty.... but as soon as I started to play, she started to scream out profanities at the top of her lungs.  She made animal-type noises and the Son was so upset, he kept which I said, clearly this other patient is fighting her own battles and we should have compassion for her also (he wasn't buying it at all and was very mad).  At one point I just lost it and had to break down laughing, but pulled myself back together and finished up.

After the Son left, I went to the curtain and asked if I could talk to her.  She said, yes, what's your name?  So I told her Jackie, to which she laughed out loud and said, "that's a man's name!  that's a funny name for a girl!"  I reminded her of Jacqueline Kennedy and she said, well than your name is not Jackie, it's Jacqueline and that IS a girls name!   OMGGGGGGG from there it was uphill all the way, but I left and we were best buds.  She asked me if I could come back to see her again, so I will give it a shot today...wish me could go sour.

So these 3 experiences taught me so much about myself and the hardships of others.  I had unbelievable compassion for the roommate, in-spite of her behavior....and fortunately I saw the humor in the situation...what a wild and crazy day that was :)

Monday, November 11, 2013

Joyful, Emotional, Effective, Profound

Monday Evening, Veterans Day...November 11, 2013...thinking of my Daddy today

Today was a really interesting day.  My first stop were 2 is elderly and has some Dementia  and the other is younger and has just recently been put in Hospice Care.  She is having such a hard time dealing with this.  When I come to the door of their room, both of them light up!  The younger patient told me she had been looking for me.  I reminded her I don't come part of the week..that I would not forget about playing for them.  I created these lovely notices I put on the Patient's Door when I have given a Therapeutic Session, they simply say:....On November 11, 2013, Ms. ????? has received 30 minutes of Live Therapeutic Music, thoughtfully prepared and played by Therapeutic Harpist, Jacqueline A. Elgie.  This is on pretty parchment paper and the patients LOVE's like their certificate or something.  So the younger patient told me she was looking for more paper on her door by her name...she said "I want to wallpaper that door with them!".  Very sweet.  So the older patient today was not only singing at the top of her lungs but she was waving both hands up in the air while she did it.  The younger patient got so tickled, she said "you go girl....sing them songs"  Joyful

My next patient is very elderly and has Alzheimer's.  Normally she does not communicate and after a few minutes, I can always tell when the Music is reaching her and having a positive effect.  It's very heartwarming...but today as I played, she looked at me and started crying!  So I stopped and went to her and asked her if the Music made her sad?  She said, "no beautiful" and I said do you want me to stop playing?  "not yet" I said , your tears are tears of happiness and joy and she said, "yes, I am there"....Emotional

I was walking to the computer room while my Companion was being showered and I always walk past a Unit that has some real hard to handle Alzheimer's Patients, normally out by the Nurses Station where they can keep an eye on them.  It seems the evening is the most difficult time there.  So today I asked the Nurse if I could bring my Harp and set up by the patients, she was thrilled.  So I played for about 40 minutes...not only did the patients quiet down, swing their legs and arms, try to sing and some sat with their eyes closed, completely relaxed, but the Staff was so peaceful as well.  I heard one Nurse say to another, "can we have her everyday????"  .......Effective

When I was playing for my Companion, she had just been showered and was tucked in bed.  She loves the music and as I was playing I looked at her and she seemed like a beautiful, little girl.  So peaceful, so full of love and life.  If only she could talk to me.....Profound

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Knowing who the REAL Hero is

Thursday, November 7, 2013....8am....looks like rain!  I took today off ...I am going to clean my house, go shopping and practice some new tunes on my Harp....

Last night I received a most beautiful email from the Daughter of the Lady I am Companion for.  I know she wouldn't mind my posting part of the email, it is written from her heart and the beginning of the email covers things that were discussed with the Facility during a monthly Family Meeting.  The rest of the email just brought me to tears.  I believe so strongly in what I do with my Harp.  If only I could freeze the moment for all to see, but this email will have to do....I am so humbled by these words because the real hero in all this is my Lady Friend who lives within her limited body, everyday a challenge, everyday a fight to communicate, to have some meaning in her life.

"Finally, my mom was very alert today and very aware that my dad and I were there.  She was communicating to us by raising her eyebrows, and boy was she raising them.  It was clear she understood who we were and what we were saying.  She was taping her toes to the music program and seemed happier than I have seen her in a very long time!!  We took her outside for a little bit, but it was later in the day and we were all a little cold.  But, while we were outside, I talked to her about you (Jackie).  I mentioned how we are in contact with you each day that you are there with her.  I asked her if she liked to hear the harp and piano and her eyebrows were dancing!  Up and down, up and down.  My dad and I laughed and I said, "I see those eyebrows going up and down", and she raised them again.  Then I was talking with my dad.  I told him how much you love mom, and how much she means to you.  My mother actually started giggling.  I was so surprised.  She actually heard and understood what I was saying.  So, I said it again, just by chance that it was a fluke and sure enough she giggled again!  One other little story about her day, I was handing her the piglet stuffed animal to hold and she grabbed three of my fingers and held on tight.  After about 10 minutes of holding my hand, and squeezing it when I asked her to, my cell phone rang.  I pulled my fingers back to answer my phone.  Don't you know, she wouldn't let go of them.  She held them with all her strength and I had to twist them out of her hand.  I laughed at her and said, "mom, I have to answer my phone lol", and she let go.
I know this email is lengthy, but I just couldn't wait to tell you how well she did today and that this was the best I have seen her since the week you went away.  She was there, she understood, she enjoyed our visit, and most important, she was very happy!
Good meeting, good day with mom.  Who could ask for more?
All of this is because you, Jackie, you made all of this happen.  She would be lost inside her own mind without the work you have provided to her through your musical talents and your natural ability to connect with people who are sick.
Thanks again for all that you do!!!"

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

A Spiritual Connection...

10 pm...Wednesday, November 6, 2013....a most beautiful, warm and balmy day today...Tad had the day off so he and I had lunch when I got back from Harping and then a walk in the was so quiet and beautiful

Today I was at the Nursing Home and it was such a positive day.  My Mr. W was sitting up, waiting for me to come in so he could hear the Harp while he was eating his Lunch....he at it all...again!  When he was done he just grinned...his roommate Mr. A...must have asked me 10 times if his wife had been in to visit him..and did she love him, to which I replied 10 times, Yes Mr. A...your wife was here and she loves you very much.  While the Doctor was seeing Mr. A...I continued to play quietly and all of a sudden Mr. A starts belting it out, hahahaha...he actually has a great voice and remembers most of the words....I just love these two!

I was looking for one of my Patients and found her in the day room with about 8 other Patients, all very low functioning, in wheelchairs.  The TV was on so I turned it off and brought my Harp into the room, rather than moving my Patient back to her room.  I don't know how to explain what happens, but it's like they all have keys in their back and someone winds them up....slowly they start to move, a foot or a hand...a turn of the head...the eyes, a smile or just a peaceful change in their faces.  I am just fascinated by the effect the Harp has on them.  All I can say is Wow!

I played for a Patient that is normally "hard to get along with".....she has that reputation, however I have worked around it by playing outside her room....she loves it when I am done so today I stuck my head in her room and she was sleeping....I jumped on that and set up in her room quietly, playing one string at a time so not to startle her.  After about 10 min of soft music, she woke up and looked at me...closed her eyes and moved her feet to the music until I finished.  When I stopped she said, "that was beautiful"....I asked her if I could come back next week and she said, "I don't know, we will have to see how I feel on that day"....oh my what a joy it is

Each day brings such changes and joy to my life.  If these Patients had any idea how much I love them all.  I feel I have connected with them in some spiritual could I ever thank them for what they give to me?

Friday, November 1, 2013

"get your a** out there and do it"

Friday morning, November 1, 2013...really?  November?  Warm and very breezy...but a change is comin'

Yesterday I went to the Infusion Center at the Hospital to play.  I haven't been there in 3 weeks and I felt terrible about it.  They were so happy to have music.  I love that the Staff as well as the patients are light on their feet and singing along to the tunes.  I always observe the environment before I start to play.  It's always a sure thing, 10 minutes later it's an entirely different place.

One of the things I am finding very hard to deal with is the fact that when my Internship Hours are complete, it will be very hard for me not to come play for my patients.  I have grown to love these people in so many ways and I know that if I don't come, there will be a huge void for them.  Most of the patients I play for are bed-bound.  They don't leave their room to enjoy music programs and other activities with the other Residents.  I try to imagine myself lying there, hour after hour, day after day.  No stimulation, no conversation, just a blaring TV in the background.  The reality is, I need to have an income.  I need to be paid for my services and if that is not happening, I need to use that time to complete my reading, practice my harp and take care of my home and family.  I want to set aside one day of volunteer work, but one day won't cover the various facilities that I am working at now.......oh to be independently wealthy...well not wealthy but enough to pay the bills and eat on a regular basis, hahahaha!

I am doing my internship hours at 2 Assisted Living Facilities and the Hospital.  Employment at the Hospital will be a possibility in 2014, if funding is increased for the program.  At the Assisted living where my Lady lives, I am not confident there will be funds to keep me as a resource for the patients I have been seeing during Internship....sad...very sad.  But some good news from the other Assisted Living, I was told on Wednesday that they want to keep me as a Resource with a paid position starting in December.  It won't be full-time of course, but it will be at least 1 day a week and I might be able to stretch the funding into 2 days a week.  I am so thrilled about this, as I have grown so attached to these patients.

I am also doing a commercial for Sunrise Sr. Living next Thursday and it will highlight Memory Care through Therapeutic Music Sessions and word has it I will also be a paid Resource for their facility.  I don't have details about how often this will be available for their residents, but anything is better than nothing.  I am also a Resource for Household of Angels once a as I move forward in this field, I continue to learn how to present my work to prospective employers.   It's a really beautiful thing when the staff are there to witness the profound impact that live therapeutic harp music has on the patients.  I have been fortunate to have the staff walk in while I am giving a session and be so blown away at the results.  It's from that feedback that the validity of what I do with my harp is worth keeping me around, lol

I actually don't know how this whole thing started to begin with.  How I landed where I am in my life today is a complete mystery to me.  2 years ago when I bought my first little harp, not in my wildest dreams did I think I would be doing therapeutic music.  It's not like it was a dream of mine or that I had always intended to do this.  Sometimes when I am playing for a patient, I feel my Mom and Dad's presence in the room.  Oh how I wish I could have played for them as they were taking their journey into the next realm of their lives.  Perhaps they have a hand in my adventure....that would be just like my Mom...."get your a*# out there and do it" !!!!!